Booking is required for all activities. Visit the Artventure section of our homepage and select your desired activity to check availability and place your booking.
On the booking page, you can check space availability by selecting your desired dates and location. The system will display available spaces for booking.
Yes, we accept walk-ins based, but note, all bookings are made online.
Our Affiliate Program allows you to earn commissions by promoting our art collections, products, and services. As an affiliate, you’ll receive a unique referral link to share with your audience. Every time someone makes a purchase through your link, you’ll earn a percentage of the sale. It’s a great way to support the art community and earn while sharing CeraCerni ArtHub's unique offerings.
Certainly, you get to take your artwork with you after the session.
Yes, there is a minimum age requirement for some activities. Please check the specific activity details on the Artventure section for age restrictions.
Joining is simple! click here to go to the affiliate program page, and fill out the registration form. Login and click on "Custom Affiliate Tracking Code" to generate affiliate link on any of our activities. Share your link on your blog, social media, or website, and start earning as soon as people purchase through your referrals.